Thursday, November 8, 2007

Brace Yourself...

I know you have been waiting...

I have been waiting, too!

Waiting for my photography/computer saavy husband
to put some pictures on my computer so that you all don't just have to read all that is floating through my head these days.

But, alas, all the "saavy-ness" in the world cannot undo what a Russian semi did back in August as we drove the 17 hours from the Moscow Airport to our home in Krasnodar.

We had just come down a hill 8 hours into our trip
when we were forced to come to a dead stop because of "prohp-kah".
(Russian word for "traffic" literally translated "cork")

After sitting for a few minutes, Steve, the ever-cautious driver, looked in his rearview mirror and seeing nothing, went to change the song on the MP3 player when...

--- BAM ---

the semi rear-ended us and pushed us off the road.

Now, before you get excited... we were in a Toyota SUV with a tire on the back and all of our kids were restrained properly (which is really something considering it is not the law here and our kids were REALLY tired of being restrained!).
No one got hurt, just real shook up.

The worst part is what we discovered after we got out to survey the damage...

When the driver (who offered no explanation as to why he rammed us when traffic was clearly at a standstill and he had plenty of time to stop and even admits that he did not try to slow down) hit us he broke out our back window and consequently crushed our roof (we had quite a few boxes stacked on top as we had just come from America).

That is still not the worst part...

While walking around the semi to look for skidmarks, Steve discovered his laptop bag behind the semi... Yes, it had fallen out of our back window and the semi ran over it, not once, but twice!!! I had the greatest picture of our "u" shaped computer, but since it also demolished our flash card and card reader, I cannot show it to you no matter what my photography/computer saavy husband tries.

And here we are again... you're stuck reading my ramblings.

So, to whoever is still listening... I will try to give you updates during the holidays and try to steal pictures from others and if you just hang in there, it should all be remedied by February... or maybe March...


JB and Iris said...


You guys are still alive...even if you neglect your blog :) Thanks for the movies and gift for Carter! We miss you guys tons and hopefully we'll see you in the spring when we're back down south!!!!

Hugs to all!

sethswifeforlife said...

Wow, so sorry that all happened. Just glad you all are safe! I can't imagine what a laptop would look like run over twice by a semi!
We think of you guys often.
loves and hugs,

Debra said...

Yikes! Praise the Lord you are all alive and well! We will keep you in our prayers!

It's good to hear from the Hayes again.

Take care,

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